Friday, April 26, 2013

Focus on the right things!

So going with my Not giving up plan -- I found this little buddy (above) and I thought it was pretty fitting.

So, part one of my plan is as follows: This weekend, I will weigh, measure, and take pics of my self and then the scale is bye bye.

I am thinking I will do 9 weeks to revisit the scale and measurements.

9 weeks is the Dirty Girl Race - so I figure that is a good focus point.

That is part one of my plan.

I will move one to part two tomorrow.

Check back often!

: )

Thursday, April 25, 2013

It's all mental. And some hard work.

So, I started to work out a couple of times a week and I do a whole 'bathroom' work out at work - squats,

 bicep curls, triceps, twists, and push up. At one point, I was up to 300 squats a day. So, this has been

going on for a few weeks. So, I weighed myself and I actually gained weight. It is really annoying! I think my

body just revolts and wants to stay overweight or something.

So, new plan.

Rather then throwing in the towel, I have made a plan. I am going to make a 7 day plan. I can only deal with

one week at a time.

I am way to busy to do super advance planning.

It is next to impossible to forecast out more then a week or two.

Once I map out my whole plan, I will let you know my strategy.

Wish me luck!

Monday, April 15, 2013

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Do you know what a S.M.A.R.T. Goal is?

It is setting a goal, using five methods to make it easier to accomplish:

S - Specific - Make your goal as specific and too the point as possible. If you make it vague, you will not actually do it. It is too easy to give up!

M - Measureable - How are you going to measure that you accomplished your goal? If you have a specific unit of measure that gives you a win or lose outcome, you are more likely to stick with it. People always feel more accomplished when they "win" - Think of people that make lists - they always feel better when they are able to cross something off - thus "winning" by finishing their list.

A - Attainable - Is your goal attainable? Do you want to lose 100lbs? Is this attainable? Sure, if you actually need to lose that much. If you don't need to, but want to, it's not going to happen. Make a goal that is attainable.

R - Realistic - Is your goal realistic? You want to lose a 100 lbs. In 5 months. Is it possible? Maybe. Is it realistic? Probably not. If you set your goal too high, you are setting yourself up for failure. As soon as you hit a roadblock, it makes it too easy to give up. What would be more realistic? Short terms goals give more satisfaction, give small rewards, and keep you going. Using our 100lb example - a more realistic goal would be something like: I would like to lose 100lbs - my first goal will be 10lbs and go from there for all the steps.

T - Timely - Set a time frame for you to accomplish your goal. Have an end date. If you leave the goal open ended - it gives you, subconsciously, permission to drag it out. Set a date and try your best to stick to it! A good point of reference would be to have a half point goal to keep you on track!

I have made a sheet to use as a brainstorm/planner.

Pick a goal, set it up, and stick with it. I know you can do it!!

You need to make a S.M.A.R.T. Goal.
Brainstorm it, Write it out, Accomplish it!
It could be anything ~ Get it done!
State exactly what you would like to accomplish: example: I want 
to lose 10% of my body weight.
How are  you going to measure if you were successful: example:
10% of my body weight is equal to this many pounds.
How are you going to achieve this goal: example: I will keep a food 
journal and work out 3x a week.
Is this goal realistic? If it to far out of reach, it is too easy to give up:
Example: How much weight is 10% - do you need to make it 5%?
What is the specific time frame to accomplish this goal? Example:
I will lose 10% of my body weight in 12 weeks. 
What is your half way point (Time and accomplishment): 
(Example: 5% - 6 weeks - so say you would like to lose 25lbs in 12 weeks - that is approximately 2lbs a week. The halfway point is 12lbs - 6 weeks. What do you need to do that?)

Please email me if you would like a PDF of this sheet!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

As long as you are breathing, it's never too late!

One decision does not make or break you.
It is what you do over and over.
If you have a slip up, get over it, keep going!
Mistakes may happen, but that does not mean it is the end of the world!
You have the power to choose what your next move is.

How to do a Basic Squat

11 weeks until race time!

I have been doing squats at work to get some leg work in since I sit at a desk all day.

So here is a picture that indicates the correct form for a squat.


Chest up - Feet shoulder width apart - knees directly over toes - continual line from head to bottom

I do them in sets of ten. Add a kettleball for intensity!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Dirty Girl Race 2013

So, I did it. I joined a race. First race ever. No more chicken here! I have #KodakCourage on my side. I started forming my team. I have a possible 7 people including myself. 3 official (signed up) - 3 unofficial (need to sign up) and 1 on the fence. We have to woo her....

We, also, have another group of girls (7) we know, on another team, that will be attending at the same time.

Our team is Kodak Courage. We are going to kick butt.

I will keep you posted of the next 12 weeks we have to get ready.
